понедельник, 22 января 2018 г.

Anthemion Jutoh 2.70.0 Rus/ML Portable by Maverick

Anthemion Jutoh 2 - оперативно создаcт для Вас электронные книги (ebooks) в цифровом виде в популярных форматах, которые Вы можете продать на многих ebook-сайтах. Создайте свой проект за несколько секунд из существующих файлов, используя New Project Wizard, или создайте свою книгу "на пустом месте", используя встроенный стилизованный текстовый редактор.
Выберите проект обложки книги из шаблонов Jutoh's, или создайте Ваш собственный кавер, благодаря встроенному кавер-редактору.


»»»   Вывод.epub
»»»   Вывод.mobi для Kindle
»»»   Вывод.txt
»»»   Вывод.odt
»»»   Речевой вывод синтетической речи MP3
»»»   Проектировщик обложки
»»»   Импорт из ODT, HTML, текста
»»»   Условное содержание
»»»   Гибкое средство конфигурации
»»»   Несколько стилей
»»»   Средство переопределения CSS
»»»   Настраивaемые атрибуты метаданных
»»»   Мастер страницы содержания
»»»   Поддержка алфавитного указателя
»»»   Поддержка сносок/примечаний
»»»   Полная поддержка USB
»»»   Фрагменты для хранения исследований
»»»   Рабочий стол для ярлыков и примечаний
»»»   Проверка книги с EpubCheck
»»»   Конфигурируемый запуск электронной книги
»»»   Оптимизация для iBook
»»»   Импорт и экспорт из различных форматов: OpenOffice.org , Word, TXT, HTML и др.
»»»   Встроенный мастер создания проектов и обложек
»»»   Проверка орфографии
»»»   Высокая скорость импорта различных объектов в проект
»»»   Поддержка ”гoрячих” клавиш
»»»   Создание текстовых и графических заметок а также слайд-шоу
»»»   Доступ к нужным документам и приложениям через Jutoh Desktop
»»»   Резервное копирование материала
и многое другое…

Jutoh Benefits:

Fast to import your existing content, whether in text, HTML, or OpenDocument.

Fast to create your Epub, Mobipocket or other format.

Fast to edit content and switch between variations of your ebooks.
Jutoh is written in C++ so runs at top speed - no frustrating delays.

Multi-platform design
Jutoh runs on Windows, Mac, Linux and various other Unix-based systems, and you can easily copy your files between machines of different kinds. One licence can be used on multiple operating systems simultaneously; and rest assured that if you buy a different kind of desktop or laptop, you don't have to leave your way of working behind and buy new software.

Create ebook variations rapidly
Thanks to Jutoh's configurations, you can describe differences between versions of your book - a different cover, a different title page, different formatting - all without needing separate projects. Just select a different configuration and click Compile. This is invaluable when you are distributing ebooks using different sites with slightly different requirements.

Ebook checking gives you confidence
Jutoh installs Adobe's EpubCheck and EpubPreflight checker programs, so you can easily check your Epub book for internal errors or problems that might arise with specific readers. The checkers are run within Jutoh, so you don't have to mess about with invoking the applications yourself.

HTML, text, ODT, and Epub import
Jutoh imports from a range of formats. Using an application such as OpenOffice.org or the OpenDocument plugin for Microsoft Word, your existing word processor files can be saved in ODT (Open Document Format) for import into Jutoh. Or you can import from plain text or HTML, or an existing Epub ebook.

'Configurations' allow extensive customisation
Jutoh's configuration facility allows you to define a version of your book that has its own cover, style sheet, and even variations in content (such as a title page with text specific to a web site or publisher).

Configurable ebook launching
You need to check that your book looks good on a variety of ebook platforms. Jutoh lets you add viewer applications so you can easily choose the desired ebook reader for viewing your generated book.

Spelling checker
Check for typos with the built-in spellchecker, available in a number of languages.

Keyboard shortcuts for high-speed editing
Use keyboard shortcuts to make editing your projects fast and natural.

Online Manual
The comprehensive online manual documents all aspects of Jutoh.

Help window
The help window allows you to browse Jutoh manuals from within Jutoh, side-by-side with your work. You can maximize it to take up the whole window while reading a topic, or unpin it to show it in a window of its own.

Scraps facility
You can keep your research and random ideas: notes, pictures, and document and web links. On Windows, use auto-paste to quickly paste scraps by copying text, graphics or web links twice in succession in any other application.

Access to tools and applications is available via the Jutoh Desktop. You can customize the desktop look, add your favourite applications and documents, and create text and picture notes. You can even create a rolling slideshow of pictures to inspire you.

USB memory key support
Jutoh has superb support for external drives, such as USB memory keys. You can use an external drive for your documents and for all your Jutoh preferences, and you can even install Jutoh entirely onto the drive for complete portability. You can then switch between different machines and operating systems, taking all your documents and settings with you.

Backup Facility
The File Manager tool gives you an easy way to back up your precious files, without resorting to an additional tool. Specify File Sets that include all files of a given type, and create a backup with just a few clicks. You can also easily restore files from a backup archive.

A global search tool helps you search all your open documents, allowing you to see all the search results in a list and step through them.

Shows your image and collage scraps in succession, in a window or full-screen.

Specify notebook and journal font styles and sizes; and brighten up window backgrounds with the supplied textures, or your own.

[b]Что нового:[/b]

January 7th, 2018

Happy New Year to all! The first release of 2018 adds find and replace presets, as requested by several users. This stores your favourite searches either in your project, or in a global store. In the Find and Replace dialog, click on "..." and then Show Presets. You can select a preset library, and then double-click on a preset to apply it and initiate a find. Right-click (control-click on Mac) for preset management options.

If you have Jutoh Plus, there's a second way to use these presets. You can specify a configuration option Custom compile messages that will tell Jutoh to use one or more preset library to check the project as it is compiled. So you can add custom checking for things like:

    highlighting any paragraphs formatted with the 'Normal' paragraph style rather than a more specific style;
    highlighting any blank paragraphs;
    checking for words that are frequently accidentally repeated, such as "his his", "to to", "at at";
    checking for known typos of character names;
    checking for cliches or over-used words that would not show up in a spell-check;
    checking for references to book distributors that are not supposed to be mentioned in the final ebook.

You can use this to help projects conform to an in-house style guide, thus speeding up proof-reading and increasing the quality of the book. For more information, please see the application help topic Working with custom compile messages (as usual, you can use the toolbar search field to find it).

Other highlights of this release:

    The error list has been reworked to allow a colour 'swatch' to be displayed to the left of each message, so you can see at a glance the severity of the message. You can change the colours in the Preferences dialog, and you can also switch this feature off and change the text size using the context menu for the error list.
    Improved the KF7 compatibility heuristic deriving the table "border" attribute from Jutoh borders, to reduce accidental inclusion of borders.
    Added KF7 compatibility configuration option to allow for fine-tuning or completely disabling KF7 compatibility.

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Дата выпуска: 01.2018
Платформа: Windows® XP/Vista/ 7 / 8 / на Windows 10 работа возможна, но не гарантируется!
Язык Интерфейса: Русский / English / French / German
Таблетка: Hе требуется
Размер: 55 mb

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